Rick King (Ted R. King, Jr)
Design Engineer / Videographer/Editor/Producer/Trainer / Web Developer
Contact Information
- Consulting with selected clients on creative concept and process development, executive planning, Apple hardware & software, video production, internet usage and website design.
- Video production, editing and training work.
- Developing custom websites for selected clients.
Educational Background
- MSEE, Columbia University, 1968
- BS EE cum laude, Kansas State University, 1966
- Bell System Technology courses, including Switching Systems, Traffic Engineering, Advanced Calculus, and Advanced Computer Architecture
- Silva Mind Control - Basic and Advanced
- Audio Recording Engineering Workshop - with Richard Mendelson
- Various video production/editing trainings.
- Who's Who in the Media and Communications
- Sigma Tau, engineering honorary fraternity
- Eta Kappa Nu, EE honorary fraternity
- Muchnic Foundation Scholarship, 1965
- General Electric Corporate Alumni Fund Scholarship, 1961
- Arian Award (music)
- Eagle Scout
- "Exploratory Common Control Key Telephone System: Novel Technological Aspects," Allen, Cerbone, King; presented at the International Communications Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1970.
- "ONE" newspaper for formerly marrieds - Publisher, Columnist, Photographer, 12/72-4/74.
- "Network Control Center," Cronin, King, Lubitz; presented at the National Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1981; also published in GTE Automatic Electric World-Wide Communications Journal, Jan/Feb 1982.
- "Global Networking," Community Service Newsletter , Vol XXX, Number 3, May-June 1982, Community Service, Inc., P.O. Box 243, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
- Patent 3,647,980 co-inventor, "Switching Network Control Without a Network Map."
Special Interests
- Music, multimedia, photography, education, metaphysics, early childhood development, alternative ideas.
- Independent researcher of the nature of reality see more at RabbitWhole.com.
- Retired President, Middle Earth Metaworks, Inc.
with Joseph Goldin, of America/Moscow Spacebridge Project, a live interactive public participation video conference event linking Boulder, CO, with Moscow, Russia. Coordinated with Russian State Television, Moscow Broadcasting Company, INTERSPUTNIK, and various Moscow business executives on a three week visit to Moscow in August, 1992. The event ultimately was canceled due to lack of funds.
Independent Consulting Engineer/Software Developer/Video Producer.
Developed HyperCard and SuperCard document management software for Clinical Reference Systems (see below) plus other engineering work for various clients.
Various free-lance video projects including entertainment and commercial, studio and remote. Experience as producer, director, technical director, cameraman, floor director, and lighting director. Centrally involved with Boulder cable community access channel in the production of a weekly two hour live show, "Friday Night Live," for four years, and as instructor in all aspects of video production.
Western Automation Laboratories, Inc. Boulder, CO - Design Engineer then Production Engineer. Took over logic design of Acumen Error Correcting Cache Memory/RamDisk card for Texas Instruments 990 series computers. Oversaw final CAD layout, introduction to production, and continuing engineering. Acumen was a very successful product. Transferred to Manufacturing Dept. where I collaborated with management in process planning, product team organization, education and training, and general engineering support. Responsible for AppleTalk network of Macintosh computers running under AppleShare, and for general Macintosh support company wide. A Dimension PABX (see 66-75 below) was in use at the WALI facility.
8/82 to 9/85
Independent Technical/Business Consultant:
Technical and business consulting for Jose Argüelles'
Planet Art Network
in Boulder, CO. Mostly volunteer - Computer network node design, assistance with proposals, business plan.
Principal Client:
Computer Evolution, Inc., Boulder, CO. - Technical and business consulting. Worked on system integration and hardware/software evaluation for Apple Macintosh based Financial Oversight Network. Specified initial software design for Tempo "Intelligent Macros for the Macintosh" software product, later developed and produced by Affinity Microsystems.
Donated time and services to two Boulder based start-ups: the
National Information Center for Chronic Pain Relief, and
The Institute of the Whole, a non-profit information service.
Principal Client:
Clinical Reference Systems, Inc., 7100 E. Belleview Ave., Suite 305, Englewood, CO, 80111. - Technical and business consulting from early start-up stages. Developed browser software (I originally named it "Navigator" which was later trademarked by Netscape) plus associated editing/production software in UCSD P-system PASCAL for Apple, Tandy, and MS DOS platforms.
GTE Telenet Systems
Needham, MA. - Advanced R&D Engineer. Systems Engineering for nationwide private telecommunications network control center. Responsible for functional and operational design specifications with emphasis on network traffic monitoring and analysis, centralized Message Detail Record (MDR) processing, human interface, color graphics features, and user manuals.
Various positions while in home town, Liberal, KS, for personal (family) reasons; including TV repair, consulting, and manager of a retail record store.
Seward County Community College
Liberal, KS. - Instructor, Computer Center Supervisor. Taught "Computer Center Operations" and "RPG-II" courses. Responsible for Payroll and Student Records processing. Participated with administration in academic planning. Member of college band.
Citizens State Bank
Liberal, KS. - Manager of Data Processing. Installed IBM System/34 computer, responsible for staff training, software development/maintenance, and daily DP operations.
original music band - Performer (trumpet, bass), lyricist, sound engineer. Played gigs in Denver/Boulder area.
The Village of Anything is Possible
Full time volunteer. Board member, Resource Coordinator, Minstrel. Worked with the founders of this new-age non-profit civic organization to develop ideas for practical projects to advance human potentials and interpersonal networking. Creative consultant, performer, promoter, and coordinator.
Electronic Processors, Inc.
Englewood, CO. - Project Engineer. Designed and developed for production a Touch-Tone® detector switching network for the EPI-Tel Analyzer telephone usage accounting system, which was deployed 3 months after starting work. Conducted computer switching network simulation studies, wrote a tutorial on switching traffic theory, developed BASIC programs for analyzing EPI-Tel call rate capacity and for active filter design.
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
Holmdel, NJ, Murray Hill, NJ, and Denver, CO. - Member of Technical Staff (Engineer). Optics research, Picturephone development, wired logic and stored program exploratory switching system development. On the Dimension PABX design team. Duties included systems design, traffic engineering, analog circuit design, TTL logic design, software design, and coding/debugging in a variety of in-house languages.
Collins Radio Co.
Cedar Rapids, IA. - Summer Intern. Performed reliability stress analysis of project "Soft-Talk" military communications system.
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, TX, and
NASA Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, CA. - Student Trainee program alternate terms while attending Kansas State. Edwards: Analog computer simulation of experimental aircraft and X-15 experimental rocket aircraft instrumentation. Houston: Telemetry Receiving and Tape Recording section, biomedical data reduction.
Contact: wizwho@gmail.com